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[ CyMouse ] Go Back

Cybiko eXchange

Special Projects Site

This Special Projects site provides services regarding Green Projects' CyMouse project, a mouse interfacing system for Cybiko computers.

This carefully designed and developed interface system for the Cybiko computer system ( www.cybiko.com ) provides a functional way of accessing a computer's mouse using the Cybiko. No hardware alterations are required - a relatively small program is run on the computer, then the CyMouse Compatible app on the Cybiko; and that's it! On this site you will find information of how to incorporate the CyMouse 1.0.0 Specification into your games and applications!

Developer's Information
You don't even need to know the specification to make your application CyMouse 1.0.0 compatible. Simple download the CyMouse Test source code, which is heavily commented and easy to understand, and you should be well underway.
However, the specification is provided below for your personal viewing. If you are experiencing technical difficulties integrating CyMouse to your application or game, please contact me at greenprojects@greenprojects.iwarp.com (NOTE: only professional requests will be acknowledged).

The CyMouse 1.0.0 interface system works using serial port functionality, and a data communications protocol.
Here's an outline:
  • Step 1: The user plugs their Cybiko into their computer's serial port.
  • Step 2: The user runs the CyMouse Server application on their computer, specifying their serial port number (COM1, COM2, etc..).
  • Step 3: The user runs a CyMouse-compatible application or game on their Cybiko computer.
  • Step 4: The data communications protocol takes over, with the application updating cursor position at will (most likely every frame).

    The data protocol works like this:
  • When the Cybiko application/game starts, it sends the data byte "240" (ASCII) down the serial port. This tells the server application that a CyMouse conversation should start between the two machines. It immediately enters "listen" mode. li>The server application waits for the Cybiko application/game to request the current position of the mouse cursor. The request data byte for the mouse cursor position is "242" (ASCII).

  • The server application sends a data packet containing the mouse cursor position, as below:
    Size  Type  Information
    1     byte  ASCII value 243 - identifies the packet as a data packet
    1     byte  X coordinate of cursor; from 0 through 160
    1     byte  Y coordinate of cursor; from 0 through 100
  • The Cybiko application/game reads the packet, processes the data.
  • The cycle starts again at the second step; the server waits for a data request packet.

  • When the Cybiko application/game is finished with the CyMouse, a shutdown indicator is sent. This is a data byte of value "241" (ASCII).
  • The CyMouse server application then closes completely.
  • NOTE: There is also a new "PING" command (ASCII "244"), sent by the client, which the server responds to (with another PING byte).

    This project is very new! There are no screenshots yet!

    server.zip (15,109 bytes): click here
      Important Information: Run as "server.exe 1" to use COM1, run as "server.exe x" to use COMx.
    cmtest.zip (25,387 bytes): click here REQUIREMENTS: ComPort.dl file on Cybiko, System Pack 56

    20th February 2001
  • Uploaded webpage!
  • Important - fixed more bugs in server! Please download new version (16:13 GMT)!
  • Added PING command for packet loss! Please download new versions (16:14 GMT)!

    Comments (via greenprojects@greenprojects.iwarp.com e-mail)
  • "Your quote here!"
    P.S. If you see your comment posted here, but don't want it displayed, please e-mail me.
    P.P.S. Spellings are that of their author!.

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